As I mentioned earlier in one of my post that Ranighat is an archeological site in district Buner at the top of mountain. Here are some pictures of stones taken at Ranighat.

Seat made in stone probably for king

Stone kitchen (in the rock) and stone walls
Broken stone articles

Stone made stairs

Vertical stone (Ranighat)

How fascinating. Is the site open to visitors or is it in a protected area? Do you know how old the site is? Thanks for sharing-- I love this kind of stuff.
Awesome. I like the "king" seat, the steps, and the big round stone.
Hi Tricia!
This site is open to visitors. I don't have any exact information about the age of this site, however Buddhism was in practice here from 1st century AD to 7th century AD. From this we can get a rough idea about the age of this site.
Thanks Patty for your comment and liking the pictures.
I love that cave in a stone, where you able to see inside or was it restricted?
Wow...!!! What an excellent informative blog post. The pictures are absolutely amazing. I hope one day I'm able to visit Ranigat site.
Thanks for sharing.
Aah Man! Its Awesome!!
I wonder why this site is not exposed to our media yet?
The vertical stone is most wonderful.
Hi Dave!
It was not restricted. I not only saw the cave, but also went inside the cave. This cave was for meditation purpose, where religious people used to meditate.
Thanks Maureen for your nice comment. You are welcome at any time.
Salam Osaidullah Kehar!
Our media didn't give much attention to small historical places. However I watched a documentary film about this site from PTV regional channel. This is not a hidden site. It is funded by a Japanese research institute for maintenance. The vertical stone was an important stone. The queen used to set on this stone. This stone is known as Rani Ghat(stone of queen) and the whole site is named as Rani Ghat after the name of this stone.
Thanks birdy for the info..!
Thanks Osaidullah Kehar for the feedback.
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