I shot these Yellow Spotted Tiger Moths (Arctiidae family) while feeding on thistle flowers in a large number. It has black color, with five orange-yellow spots on each forewings and red colored hindwings with black strips/margin. It has also three red rings on the abdomen.

Yellow Spotted Tiger Moth

How beautiful when the wings are open. I never thought about a moth being colorful. All I've ever seen were drab-- or perhaps I just didn't know what to look for. Great shots by the way.
Thanks Tricia for sharing your nice view about my pictures. Moths are not only colorful, but also beautiful like butterflies.
I liked the second one!
Salam Osaidullah Kehar!
Thanks for the comment and liking the picture.
Salam Osaidullah Kehar!
Thanks for the comment and liking the picture.
Salam Osaidullah Kehar!
Thanks for the comment and liking the picture.
Nice photo!
This is a burnet moth (family Zygaenidae).
It's striking colours tell potential predators: "Don't eat me - I'm poisonous!"
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