The American Cockroach (
Periplaneta americana), also known as the palmetto bug or waterbug is a flat-bodied insects of the family Blattidae in order Blattaria. They are about 40mm long with reddish-brown wings and light markings on thorax. The American cockroaches prefers to live in warm, damp areas. They are scavenger, that feeds on decaying organic matter and a variety of other foods.
American Cockroach-Periplaneta americana Pictures
The American cockroach's egg case (ootheca) is dark brown in color and about 8-9 mm long. One female may create 15 to 90 egg cases in her lifetime. The female American cockroach carries the egg case for two days an then deposits it in a safe location. The egg case contains approximately 15 embryos and takes about 24 to 38 days to hatch, depending on temperature.
American Cockroach Egg Cases (oothecae) |
American Cockroach Egg Cases (oothecae) |
American Cockroach Baby |
in Indonesia we call these insects as "Kecoa" .. Nice capture !... Happy new year 2011 !
Wonderful blog, words and photos...
Mil saludos españoles
disgustingo!grody to the max!
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