Homemade Bird Trap

The homemade birds trap you see here is made of a curved iron rod (semi-circle), a piece of rubber and two wooden sticks (one thin stick in shape of semi circle and other a little bit tick and straight). Some time ago this type of traps were very common, but now people almost stopped using these traps, however still some people particularly kids are using them. Personally, I will never recommend this trap for trapping birds, because it can harm the birds and even can kill them, if not removed immediately. In coming days I will show you how to make this simple bird trap.

Homemade Bird Trap
Homemade Bird Trap
Homemade Bird Trap

How To Make A Bird Trap


Anonymous said...

your old camera still takes great pictures!

Birdy Official said...

Thanks Anastasia for the comment. It would be very kind of you, if you enable your profile view or provide us with your blog link, so that we can visit your blog.

chalupczok said...

I am glad that I met someone from Pakistan: Yours.

Andrea said...

I still cannot imagine how it works! My 10yr old nephew wants to make traps also but nobody knows how to do it, and i will not recommend it the bird looks so pitiful and might get hurt or die. +

myonlyphoto said...

birdy I don't like traps, hopefully the bird is okay. Anna :)

Mumbai Paused said...

What bird is that?

Redzlan said...

Oh...pity the bird!

kmazizi said...

bohot acha review hai.

Anonymous said...

how does the trigger mechanism work? please explain

thank you in advance for your responce =)

FranklinR said...

This seems like a nifty survival tool. How is it made?

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