

For an amateur photographer like me, taking lightning pictures is really a difficult task, particularly when you don't have any knowledge of photography and quality equipments. Here are few pictures, I took during a thunder storm about two weeks ago with my Cannon Powershot SD 770 IS camera. With some other drawbacks you will also observe hands shake while taking these pictures.

Lightning Pictures
Purple lighting Picture(Taken with Fujifilm Finepix F20)
Purple lighting Picture

Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa

The Common Leopard butterfly chrysalis has a beautiful green color with shiny projections of sliver, blue and red colors. It has a length of about 15mm. The pupal stage last for about 5 days. In the first four days the pupa remains green in color without any remarkable visible changes. In 5th day, a few hours before its emergence the pupa becomes transparent to show the butterfly .

Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa

The below three images are taken at the fifth day with a gape of about 3 hours. In the first image the wings are visible, but having white spots and streaks. In the last two images the spots and streaks turned to its original black color. The butterfly emerged after an hour the last picture was taken.
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa

Common Leopard Butterfly Larvae

The common leopard butterfly caterpillar has a dark orange color with black and white spots. The color turns paler as the caterpillar mature and finally becomes green. It's black colored sharp branched spines with yellowish spot at the base of each spine. The caterpillar main food plants are willow trees (family: Salicaceae).

Common Leopard Butterfly Caterpillars/Larvae
Common Leopard Butterfly Mature Caterpillar
Common Leopard Butterfly Pre-Pupate Caterpillar

Common Leopard Butterfly

The Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha)is a medium sized butterfly (wingspan of 50-60 mm) belong to family Nymphalid (Brush-footed Butterflies). This species abounds where its caterpillar food plant, the willow tree (Salix tetrasperma), is found. The upperside of the butterfly has a tawny orange color, marked with black spots and wavy lines. The underside is pale and having a bluish or purple sheen. It visits lantana, duranta, meyenia laxiflora, gymnosporia montana and thistles flowers regularly.

Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly

Pale Grass Blue Butterfly

The Pale Grass Blue (Pseudozizeeria maha) is a small and common butterfly belongs to the family Lycaenidae (Blues family), subfamily Polyommatinae. It has a wingspan of about 24mm-28mm.

Pale Grass Blue Butterfly (male)
Pale Grass Blue Butterfly
Pale Grass Blue Butterfly (female)
Pale Grass Blue Butterfly

Pale Grass Blue Butterflies (mating couple)
Pale Grass Blue Butterfly

Pale Grass Blue Butterfly Female (open wings)
Pale Grass Blue Butterfly

Pale Grass Blue Butterfly Male (open wings)
Pale Grass Blue Butterfly

Sunflowers-Helianthus annuus

Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant in the family Asteraceae and native to the USA. Sunflower seeds are mainly used to extract edible oil from it. Its "whole seed" are used as a snack food. It's also used as a food for birds. Sunflower serve as the national flower of Ukraine.

Sunflower Pictures
Sunflower Picture
Sunflower Picture
Sunflower Picture

Sunflower Picture
Sunflower Picture