

For an amateur photographer like me, taking lightning pictures is really a difficult task, particularly when you don't have any knowledge of photography and quality equipments. Here are few pictures, I took during a thunder storm about two weeks ago with my Cannon Powershot SD 770 IS camera. With some other drawbacks you will also observe hands shake while taking these pictures.

Lightning Pictures
Purple lighting Picture(Taken with Fujifilm Finepix F20)
Purple lighting Picture


  1. Oh Birdy, these lightning shots are wonderful! During thunderstorms I love to sit on the verandah and watch lightning streak across the sky. But pictures? I haven't managed anything good enough to post!! I like the third photo the best.

  2. Also for a Pro it's not that easy to capture lightnings, believe me! I did it twice in my whole life and they were not that good like yours!!!
    And, I don't like thunderstorms and lightnings anyway... since then,I didn't gave them a try anymore :)

    Yours look great!

    Sue's Daily Photography

  3. WOW!!!Great blogsite-I really enjoyed the pictures! Thank you for brightening my day-Francis

  4. How DID you do that Birdy?? I have been trying for years and can NEVER get it right. These are stunning pics.

  5. awesome, you did a great job taking these photos!

  6. Very good pictures.
    I've never been able to take something like these.
    A very good serie,indeed.

  7. Gorgeous shots Birdy. I've too have been trying for years to capture photos of lightening. I have to ask how did you do it, and get them to turn out so beautifully?

  8. hey birdy, how did you do that? did you use a tripod, remote and a lot of patience? at the last one for sure :)

  9. I've never managed to take any lightning photo. That isn't easy at all. You have done a gret job with these photos. They are just fantastic.


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