
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa

The Common Leopard butterfly chrysalis has a beautiful green color with shiny projections of sliver, blue and red colors. It has a length of about 15mm. The pupal stage last for about 5 days. In the first four days the pupa remains green in color without any remarkable visible changes. In 5th day, a few hours before its emergence the pupa becomes transparent to show the butterfly .

Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa

The below three images are taken at the fifth day with a gape of about 3 hours. In the first image the wings are visible, but having white spots and streaks. In the last two images the spots and streaks turned to its original black color. The butterfly emerged after an hour the last picture was taken.
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa
Common Leopard Butterfly Pupa


  1. What a fantastic post Birdy. Can't wait to see the rest of it.

  2. oh... it is wonderful to see the colorful wings in the pupae!

  3. Wonderful post. Great to see the pupal stages.

  4. Brilliant piece of photography, on a very interesting subject.
    Well done, and congratulations on a great blog.

  5. It is awesome to see body changes which we had only read.
    Sorry for long absence, and there is a nice change in your blog..!

  6. They are so lovely creatures, but i cannot hold them because when they twitch i get scary sometimes! Do you have a butterfly farm?


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