
Common Leopard Butterfly

The Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha)is a medium sized butterfly (wingspan of 50-60 mm) belong to family Nymphalid (Brush-footed Butterflies). This species abounds where its caterpillar food plant, the willow tree (Salix tetrasperma), is found. The upperside of the butterfly has a tawny orange color, marked with black spots and wavy lines. The underside is pale and having a bluish or purple sheen. It visits lantana, duranta, meyenia laxiflora, gymnosporia montana and thistles flowers regularly.

Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly
Common Leopard Butterfly


  1. What beautiful pictures Birdy. We have the same one here and they are lovely.

  2. What a beautiful butterfly! And to be able to shoot it at this stage! Congrats, Birdy. That's something I'd love to do in future!

  3. wow! wonderful photography just out of the pupae :)

  4. Wow so prefect. Thanks for sharing your photos. Anna :)

  5. hey.glad to see that it emerged safe and sound haha.

  6. We don't have willow trees in our area in the province (Philippines) but i see this butterfly in the wild. I actually wonder what is its food plant. thanks.


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