
Persian Speedwell-Veronica persica

The Persian speedwell (Veronica persica) is a flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae of order Lamiales. Other common names of Persian speedwell are bird's eye speedwell, winter speedwell or common field speedwell. It has about 7–12 mm wide and long blue color single flowers, with darker lines and white centers. It's an unwanted weed, which effects agricultural crops. This weed becomes a headache for the farmers, when it grows in a large number in clover fields. Animals don't like to eat it. Moreover according to the local farmers, it creates some negative impacts on cattle health, when they eat it. Therefore the farmers have to remove it from clover field manually. However butterfly lover will certainly love Persian speedwell, as it is one of the host plants for blue pansy butterfly.

Veronica persica Plant and Flower

Veronica persica Flower
Veronica persica Flower
Veronica persica Small Plants

Super Full Moon

 The term "Super Full Moon" refers to full moon that has closest approach to the earth. The Super Full Moon occurs at perigee (The point nearest the earth's center in the orbit of the moon) and that's why it is know as "Super Perigee Moon".
On Saturday, March 19, 2011,  the moon was at its closest to Earth since March 1993 (about 221,565 miles away). According to the scientists estimate, it was about 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than lesser moons that occur on the apogee side of the Moon's orbit.

Super Full Moon

Drain Fly

The Drain Fly or Moth Fly is a common name used for the members of family Psychodidae, in the fly order Diptera. They are small, about 4mm long, moth like creatures, found in damp habitat. Its color varies from gray to dark gray. It got its name drain fly, because it grows in drains and the name moth fly, because of its moth like appearance. Drain fly is a nuisance in houses and buildings. It can also be found near the compost bins or dirty trash. It's also know as Bathroom Fly.

Drain Fly
Bathroom Fly
Bathroom Fly
Bathroom Fly

House Sparrow - Passer domesticus indicus

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus indicus) is a species of passerine bird of the sparrow family Passeridae. It's a common bird, found in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It prefers to live near human habitation. It's a body lenth of about 14-16cm, wingspan: 19-25cm and weight: 26-32g. Male has white cheeks, black throat and chest, grey cap, bill black,broad white upper wingbar, underparts whitish gray. Female dingy brown all over, unstriped gray brown chest and underparts, large pale yellowish eye-stripe. Black and straw colored striped on back. Bill yellowish, eyes black, crown plain gray brown. It feeds on seeds, grass and insects. It's called chirya (چڑیا) in Urdu.

Female House Sparrow (Passer domesticus indicus)
Male House Sparrow (Passer domesticus indicus)

Yellow Sac Spider

The Yellow Sac Spider is a common name for certain species of spiders in the genus Cheiracanthium, family Miturgidae. They are usually pale yellow in color and has a body length of 6 to 10 mm. Being nocturnal, yellow sac spiders are active in the night and search for their prey. They don't build webs. Instead they construct sacs in protected areas and that's why they are known as Sac Spiders. Their bite is believed to be venomous to humans. Therefore, they should be handled very carefully.

Yellow Sac Spider
Thanks to Mr. Glen of spiderz rule for identification help.

Sitara Ayaz Social Welfare Minister KPK

Personally I don't like politics and politicians. My be because of their irresponsible behavior. Moreover our 90 percent politicians are corrupt and their politics based on false promises and lies. Yesterday, March 6, 2011, I attained a parents day program in a local school, here in Bamkhel, Swabi. Sitara Ayaz, Minister for Social Welfare, Special Education and Women Development Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, was the chief guest at the occasion. She belongs to village Jhanda of District Swabi and is selected on the reserve seats for women from Swabi. I saw and heard her for the first time and conclude that, she is fare and sincere. During her address, she stressed the importance of education, particularly girls education. "Educating a girl child means educating the whole family" she told. She also promised the supply of gas to village Bamkel. Hopefully this project will start within two months.

Sitara Ayaz, Social Welfare Minister KPK

Mountain Landscapes

Pakistan though is a small, but geographically diverse country. If on one side, it has the deserts like Thar and Cholistan, then on the other side, it has lush green valleys of northern areas. The northern areas of Pakistan are blessed with natural beauty. It has some of the worlds most wonderful and amazing valleys, lakes, rivers and peaks. The streams, water falls and thick forests of fine trees have their own beauty.

Mountain Landscapes
Mountain Landscapes
Mountain Landscapes
Mountain Landscapes
Mountain Landscapes
Mountain Landscapes

Kohi Barmol Katlang Mardan

Kohi Barmol  is my new duty place, where I joined my duty at Government Higher Secondary School Kohi Barmol. Kohi Barmol is a backward, but historical village situated at tehsil Katlang, district Mardan of KPK, Pakistan. It's about 35 km to east-north of and about 12 km from Katlang city. Though it's just 12 km away from Katlang city, however it takes about an hour in public transport to reach Kohi Barmol. I will try to explore and document the important historical and archeological sites of the area in coming days, but for now I'm sharing a few landscapes of Kohi Barmol.

Government Higher Secondary School Kohi Barmol (Mardan)
Kohi Barmol Katlang Mardan
Landscapes of Kohi Barmol (Katlang)
Kohi Barmol Katlang Mardan
Kohi Barmol Katlang Mardan
Kohi Barmol Katlang Mardan
Kohi Barmol Katlang Mardan
Pictures are taken with Nokia 5230 Mobile Phone