
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus indicus

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus indicus) is a species of passerine bird of the sparrow family Passeridae. It's a common bird, found in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It prefers to live near human habitation. It's a body lenth of about 14-16cm, wingspan: 19-25cm and weight: 26-32g. Male has white cheeks, black throat and chest, grey cap, bill black,broad white upper wingbar, underparts whitish gray. Female dingy brown all over, unstriped gray brown chest and underparts, large pale yellowish eye-stripe. Black and straw colored striped on back. Bill yellowish, eyes black, crown plain gray brown. It feeds on seeds, grass and insects. It's called chirya (چڑیا) in Urdu.

Female House Sparrow (Passer domesticus indicus)
Male House Sparrow (Passer domesticus indicus)


  1. Such beautiful little birds! I would happily share my living space with a few of them...

  2. Wonderful shots! Very common here but I really haven't managed shots like these. I love watching them as they spend a lot of time on my terrace garden.

  3. Interesting articles ...and the pictures are wonderful.


  4. Great post. Unfortunately, the house sparrow population in India is going down, do you find the same trend in Pakistan? It was mainly attributed to loss of nesting areas as well as increase in predation by birds, especially House Crows.

  5. there used to be a lot of house sparrows in the indian cities, but now many of them have disappeared due to the adverse conditions.

  6. Lovely images of the sparrow. I especially like the last one!

  7. wow the photos are great i really like them! my favorite picture was the torqoise eggs in the nest.


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