
Super Full Moon

 The term "Super Full Moon" refers to full moon that has closest approach to the earth. The Super Full Moon occurs at perigee (The point nearest the earth's center in the orbit of the moon) and that's why it is know as "Super Perigee Moon".
On Saturday, March 19, 2011,  the moon was at its closest to Earth since March 1993 (about 221,565 miles away). According to the scientists estimate, it was about 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than lesser moons that occur on the apogee side of the Moon's orbit.

Super Full Moon


  1. Hi Birdy, it's good you saw it. We were out of town that weekend, hoped to get sunsets and sunrises but it was super cloudy. So we did not even see the super moon, good for you!

  2. Very cool images,I like it...

    Have a lovely day.

  3. nice shot!! i can't see the "supermoon", very cloudy in my place :-(

  4. These are great captures of the super moon. I have yet to get a good photo of the moon.

  5. Cool shots of the moon. It's interesting to think about all the people throughout the world that took photos of the moon that night.

  6. We were out of town that weekend, hoped to get sunsets and sunrises but it was super cloudy. So we did not even see the super moon, good for you

  7. Good shot
    I did not attempt to take a picture March 19 2011 of the moon due to a haze that would have ruined my picture.
    I have taken and posted some pictures when the sky was clear on the following dates. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2008
    TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2007

  8. Thanks you all for your visit and encouraging comments.


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