
Furrow Orb weaver Spider

This Furrow Spider or more specifically Furrow Orb weaver Spider (Larinioides Indica) belong to genus Larinioides, family Araneidae (Orb Weavers). Thanks to Mr. Glen of, who helped me in identification of this spider, however he didn't give a scientific name to the species, so I gave it a scientific name of (Larinioides Indica).

Furrow Orb Weaver Spider (Larinioides Indica)
Corrections are always welcome

Red Cotton Bug-Dysdercus cingulatus

Red Cotton Bug or Red Cotton Stainer. (Dysdercus cingulatus) is a colorful bug in the family Pyrrhocoridae. It's a pest of cotton and that's why it's called red cotton bug. Besides cotton it feeds on a variety of plants. Personally I observed it in the okra field. The female (20mm) is larger then the male (18mm).

Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus cingulatus)
Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus cingulatus) Mating
Red Cotton Bug Nymph

Winter Jasmine-Jasminum nudiflorum

Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) is an evergreen exotic plant with his beautiful, yellow flowers in winter, usually between December and early March, depending on the weather. It belong to the family Oleaceae. This species is from northern China and was named for its flowers which appear before its leaves, nudiflorum meaning naked flower.

Winter Jasmine Flowers
Winter Jasmine
Winter Jasmine
Winter Jasmine
Winter Jasmine
Winter Jasmine

Red Turnip Beetle-Entomoscelis americana

Red Turnip Beetle (Entomoscelis americana) is a small striped beetle in the family Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles) that attacks on plants in mustard family, such as turnips, radishes, rapeseed, cabbages, flixweed and canola etc. The adult beetle is about 7 to 10 mm long. It has a bright red head and wing cases, with a black patch just behind the head and three black stripes on their back. The remaining body is black.

Red turnip beetles-Entomoscelis americana
Red turnip beetle
Red turnip beetle
Red turnip beetle

Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker

The Black-rumped Flameback, (Dinopium benghalense), also known as the Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker, is a woodpecker which is a widespread and common species of South Asia. It is one of the few woodpeckers that are seen in urban areas. It has a golden yellow back, with paler wings. The rump and tail are black. The underparts are white with dark chevron markings. The head is whitish with a black nape and throat, and there is a greyish eye patch. This species is associated with open forest and cultivation. It nests in a tree hole, laying three white eggs.

Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker (Dinopium bengalensis)

Buner Valley

Buner Valley
Buner Valley
Buner (Bunair) is a district of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. As it's surrounded by hills and that's why it's commonly known as Buner valley. Its boundries are attached with five districts, Shangla, Swat, Mansehra (Kala Dhaka), Swabi and Mardan. District Buner is comprised of one Tehsil Dagar, seven Sub Tehsils, Chamla Amazai, Khadoo Khel, Dagar, Chagharzai, Salarzai, Gadezai, Gagra and Twenty Seven union councils. In spite of the lack of infrastructure and other facilities, it is one of the most beautiful districts of KPK regarding natural beauty. The people of Buner are famous for their hospitality, simplicity and honesty. Buner is divided in Upper-Buner and Lower-Buner. Upper-Buner has very pleasant climate, however Lower-Buner is comparatively hot.
The total estimated population is 2,974,798 (male: 1483513, female: 1491284). Buner has a very low literacy rate of about 28% (male: 44%, female:10%).

Buner Valley
Buner Valley
Buner Valley
Buner Valley
Buner Valley
Buner Valley
Buner Valley

American Cockroach-Periplaneta americana

The American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana), also known as the palmetto bug or waterbug is a flat-bodied insects of the family Blattidae in order Blattaria. They are about 40mm long with reddish-brown wings and light markings on thorax. The American cockroaches prefers to live in warm, damp areas. They are scavenger, that feeds on decaying organic matter and a variety of other foods.

American Cockroach-Periplaneta americana Pictures
American Cockroach Image
American Cockroach Image

The American cockroach's egg case (ootheca) is dark brown in color and about 8-9 mm long. One female may create 15 to 90 egg cases in her lifetime. The female American cockroach carries the egg case for two days an then deposits it in a safe location. The egg case contains approximately 15 embryos and takes about 24 to 38 days to hatch, depending on temperature.

American Cockroach Eggs Image
American Cockroach Egg Cases (oothecae)
American Cockroach Eggs Image
American Cockroach Egg Cases (oothecae)
American Cockroach Baby Image
American Cockroach Baby