
Red Cotton Bug-Dysdercus cingulatus

Red Cotton Bug or Red Cotton Stainer. (Dysdercus cingulatus) is a colorful bug in the family Pyrrhocoridae. It's a pest of cotton and that's why it's called red cotton bug. Besides cotton it feeds on a variety of plants. Personally I observed it in the okra field. The female (20mm) is larger then the male (18mm).

Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus cingulatus)
Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus cingulatus) Mating
Red Cotton Bug Nymph


  1. orange, white, black... great color combination gifted by nature.. thanks birdy to bring this gift to us :)

  2. It is a very colorful bug that seems to be sending out a loud and clear message that it won't make a good meal for birds. Too bad it has to be a crop pest. Great macros!

  3. Great shots, I think it looks great

  4. Hi Birdy, haven't heard from you for a while. We have lots of these too, when we were kids we used to play with them. I didnt know they are pest then, coz we always find them in bushy weeds.

  5. thank for the info. finally i know what the name of the insects is. i found it sometimes in my place.

  6. Good day sir. I am a student, and I wpuld like to ask your permission to use the images shown above as a part of my assignments. Thank you.


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