
Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker

The Black-rumped Flameback, (Dinopium benghalense), also known as the Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker, is a woodpecker which is a widespread and common species of South Asia. It is one of the few woodpeckers that are seen in urban areas. It has a golden yellow back, with paler wings. The rump and tail are black. The underparts are white with dark chevron markings. The head is whitish with a black nape and throat, and there is a greyish eye patch. This species is associated with open forest and cultivation. It nests in a tree hole, laying three white eggs.

Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker (Dinopium bengalensis)


  1. Trop beau,
    Je ne parviens pas à les approcher chez nous...

  2. Asslamualikum Author
    You hve great work in blog, keep it up

  3. Nice theme please accept my thanks for this article
    Sports News Blog
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  4. What a wonderfully colored woodpecker! We don't have this kind of woodpecker where I live.

  5. It's quite an impressive woodpecker. Great shot!


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