
Small-branded Swift Skipper Butterfly

The Small-branded Swift Skipper (Pelopidas mathias) is a butterfly in the family Hesperiidae, subfamily Hesperiinae. It's also know as Dark Small-branded Swift, Lesser Millet Skipper or Black Branded Swift. The pictures blow are of the same skipper butterfly setting on the same lantana flower. He was very friendly and let me shoot him with different backgrounds. If the identification is not correct, then fell free to correct me.

Small-branded Swift Skipper Butterfly (Pelopidas mathias)


  1. The butterfly looks like a moth. Great photographs. I always pay attention to the detail and the tiny flowers that the butterfly is on are also prevalent here - which means that I can possibly also get photos of this butterfly or similar possibly.

    Inspiration - thanks

  2. This guy is such a poseur!! You done well to get the shots and not scare him away.

  3. How wonderful that he was so co-operative Birdy and great shots too.

  4. I'd be very happy to get shots like these! Wonderful! I went through your last posts too and loved the wildflowers and the baby birds. With tiny wild blooms....I'd always overlooked them but blogging has changed all that. Now I appreciate everything. Your photos are superb!

    Thank you for leaving your message on my blog yesterday. There is much comfort I find in words that you and other blogging friends have left behind.

  5. Thanks Zane for the feedback. I think almost all nature photographers have similar behavior, you mentioned in your comment.

    Thanks Ryan for taking time to comment on my blog.

    Hi Joan!
    Your comment and feedback is much appreciated. Sometime nectar sucking keep them on flowers for long time. However this time he was not sucking nectar, but only posed for me.

  6. birdy..... your profile pictures so cuteeee......

  7. Thank you very much Kanak for your visit and comment. I was really not expecting comment from you, as you are passing through a very difficult time.

  8. Thanks Gans for liking my profile picture.
    Now I,m thinking to change it to my personal picture, but afraid of comment like this, hi! your profile picture is too ugly.

  9. For me Birdy the first shot is the best a dark background making the butterfly stand out Excellent :)

  10. Hi Birdy, this is a beautiful butterfly, I am impressed by the size of the eyes


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