
Long-tailed Shrike Nest and Nestling

The Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) also called Rufous-backed Shrike is a member of the bird family Laniidae (the shrikes). The Long-tailed Shrike is a common and widespread species found in Pakistan. They feed on insects, lizards, mice and small birds or their young. They lay eggs in clutch of four to six eggs (generally 5 eggs). The eggs are white in color with reddish spots. The eggs take about 16 days to hatch and the young leave the nest after about 15-19 days. They raise two broods per year from April to August. I found these nests at a height of about 8 feet and easy managed to take pictures, though not very clear.

Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) Nest
Long-tailed Shrike Eggs
Long-tailed Shrike Eggs
Long-tailed Shrike Nest and Nestlings
I found this young one of Long-tailed Shrike on the ground, which was not capable of full flight. I searched for its nest and returned it to the nest.

Long-tailed Shrike Young
Long-tailed Shrike


  1. wow.. they are so beautiful. I have never seen such pictures before.

  2. Wow those are lovely. We have those birds too i think. Is it the one almost similar to the yellow vented bulbul? Sometimes i cannot differentiate them quickly. It is the bulbul which i normally sea the eggs and nestlings here. As a kid we even boiled its eggsa ang tasted it, now i discouraged my nephew to disturb them, even touch the nest or else the mother might leave them. Lovely captures.

  3. Thanks Ali for leaving a comment on my blog.

    Thanks Andrea for the feedback. The Long-tailed Shrike and yellow or red vented bulbul are two different species, belong to two different families. It's nice to heard from that you're contributing toward birds protection.

  4. You have done well to return the stray to the nest - just wonder if the mother will accept it back - normally the weakest get the boot and are ostracised. Oh well good deed done!

    A most interesting post.

  5. birdy! really it is a nice post. specially i like much the nest pictures. good work.

  6. Hi Zane!
    You feedback is highly appreciated. According to my personal experience, in most cases mothers accept their young and even feed them, if they are out of nest.

    Thanks Elettra for the visit and comment.

    Thanks Deena for your comment and appreciation.


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