
Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae (wolf). Wolf spiders are agile and land predators that are moving quickly. Wolf spiders have good eyesight. Some hunt actively and pursue prey during the day. Some will wait for passing prey in or near the mouth of a burrow. They do not capture their food in a web as do other common spiders with poorer eye sight.
Adult males are smaller than females, and measure 19 to 25 mm . The pedipalps, are larger and proportionately longer legs. Its color is also more striking. The female is brown with darker markings and lines on the legs. Measures of 27 to 30 mm. They have eight eyes, arranged in 3 rows; the first rows have 4 small eyes; the second row has 2 larger eyes and the third row has 2 medium-sized eyes.
Wolf spiders carry their egg sacs by attaching them to their spinnerets. On hatching they protect their young by carrying them on their back.
Wolf spiders are venomous and can bite if provoked. However their bite are usually minor, can result in small pain or itchiness. In some rear cases the reaction can include swelling, prolonged pain, dizziness, rapid pulse and nausea.

Wolf Spiders
Wolf Spiders
Wolf Spiders


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