
Orange Blossoms

Orange Blossoms
Orange Blossoms
Orange Blossoms
Orange Blossoms
Orange Blossoms
Honey Bee on Orange Blossoms
Honey Bee On Orange Flower


  1. I can smell the fragrance of these Orange Blossoms :) Wonderful pictures.... They gives a pleasant aura to the atmosphere.

  2. Thanks kiran for taking the time to leave your comment. You are right, orange flowers smell so sweet, but unfortunately I'm allergic from this smell.

  3. Wonderful shots of the orange blossoms. I also like the pictures of kinnow in your older post. They don't grow in our parts but they are widely available in the north.

    Thank you for stopping by my new blog.:)

  4. Allergic to the fragrance!! Poor you!!!
    I love your images, but I can't decide whether my favourite is the one with the bee, or the image before that...
    In the thumbnails of other posts you have made, I visited the dragonfly at sunset, from 2009 - I love that image, too!!!

  5. Thanks Kanak for your appreciation. Your new blog is great, but please don't stop updating your old blog.

    Thanks Jady for your comment and concern. It's my pleasure that you liked my images.

  6. They are so delicious and perfume a wide area. I have a few out of season blooms and stick my nose in every time I pass.

    1. Thanks Arija for taking the time to leave your feedback. It's much appreciated. We cannot remain without sticking our nose to sweet smelling flowers, when they are around.

  7. I can almost smell the fragrance of the flowers here.

  8. These are wonderful photos and I thank you so much for sharing them with Today's Flowers.

    1. Your visit and feedback is much appreciated. Thank you too for providing such a great platform for us.


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