
Mole Crickets

The Mole crickets are insects in the family polyphagous. They are subterranean dwellers, and some species are capable of flight. They are brownish and very fat, measuring about 25-40 mm long. They have short antennae. The enlarged front legs are modified for burrowing and swimming. They are polyphagous feeding on larvae, worms and roots. Mole crickets are a serious agricultural pest, cause heavy damage, particularly at the young stage of crops. Nymphs look very similar to adults but have shorter wings.

Mole Crickets
Mole Cricket picture
Mole Cricket picture
Mole Cricket picture
Mole Cricket Nymph

Cuckoo Wasps

The wasps in the Hymenopteran family Chrysididae are commonly known as Cuckoo wasps. Cuckoo wasps are brilliant metallic blue, green or reddish in color. They are known by a number of common names including jewel wasp, gold wasp and emerald wasp.

Cuckoo Wasps
Cuckoo Wasp
Cuckoo Wasp
Cuckoo Wasp

Long-winged Conehead

The long-winged conehead (Conocephalus discolor) is a member of the family Tettigoniidae, generally known as katydids or bush crickets. It has a body length of about 18-22mm. It has a green colored body with brown wings, which exceed beyond the tip of its abdomen. Females are easily distinguished from males by their long brown colored ovipositor.

Long-winged Conehead (Conocephalus discolor) Female
Long-winged Conehead (Conocephalus discolor) Male

Nephele hespera

Nephele hespera is a species of moth in the family Sphingidae, commonly known as hawk or sphinx moth. It has a wingspan of about 80 mm.

Hawk Moth-Nephele hespera

Jeweled Flower Mantis-Creobroter gemmatus

The Jeweled Flower Mantis (Creobroter gemmatus) is a species of mantis in the family Mantidae, genus Creobroter. The females have a body length of about 45mm and the males, which are slightly shorter have a body length of about 40mm. Below you see the pictures of a female Jeweled Flower Mantis and the egg case produced by it.

Jeweled Flower Mantis-Creobroter gemmatus
Jeweled Flower Mantis
Jeweled Flower Mantis
Jeweled Flower Mantis
Jeweled Flower Mantis
Jeweled Flower Mantis
Jeweled Flower Mantis With Prey
Jeweled Flower Mantis Egg Case
Jeweled Flower Mantis Egg Sac
Jeweled Flower Mantis Egg Case
Jeweled Flower Mantis Egg Sac

Bishops Mitre Shield Bug

The Bishop's Mitre Shield Bug (Aelia acuminata) is a species of bug in the family Pentatomidae, subfamily Pentatominae. It has a body length of about 8-10mm. It has triangular front (pronotum and head), which resembles Bishop pointed hat and that is why it got the common name Bishop's Mitre Shield Bug. Both larvae and adults are pests of agricultural crops including wheat, barley, oats and rye etc.

Bishop's Mitre Shield Bug (Aelia acuminata)

Agrius convolvuli-Convolvulus Hawk-moth

The Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli), is a species of moth in the family Sphingidae (hawk moths). It has a wingspan of about 80mm. The adult Convolvulus Hawk-moth is grey with a light and dark pattern on the wings. Both sides of the abdomen has black, pink and white colored regular spots. Its caterpillar mainly feeds on leaves of plants in the family Convolvulacae, from which it got its name Convolvulus Hawk-moth. Its pupa has a jug handle like proboscis sheath, which distinguish it from other hawk moths pupae.

Convolvulus Hawk-moth-Agrius convolvuli
Agrius convolvuli
Agrius convolvuli
Agrius convolvuli

Agrius convolvuli Pupa
Agrius convolvuli Pupa

Box Bug-Gonocerus acuteangulatus

The Box Bug (Gonocerus acuteangulatus) is a species of squash bugs (family Coreidae). It's a potential pest of many agricultural crops. But luckily they occur in very small number in our area, so there is no need to worry about their control.

Box Bug
Box Bug
Box Bug
Box Bug
Box Bug
Box Bug Eggs
Box Bug
Box Bug Eggs
Box Bug
Box Bug Nymphs
Box Bug
Box Bug Nymphs

Holly Blue Butterfly

The Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus) or Hill Hedge Blue is a butterfly that belongs to the Lycaenids or Blues family, found in northerrn areas of Pakistan, but occasionally can also be found in plain areas. The underside of the wings are pale blue with black spots. The upperside wings are bright blue. In females, the upperside forewings have black edges, which distinguish it from male.

Holly Blue Butterfly
Holly Blue Butterfly
Holly Blue Butterfly
Holly Blue Butterfly