
Agrius convolvuli-Convolvulus Hawk-moth

The Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Agrius convolvuli), is a species of moth in the family Sphingidae (hawk moths). It has a wingspan of about 80mm. The adult Convolvulus Hawk-moth is grey with a light and dark pattern on the wings. Both sides of the abdomen has black, pink and white colored regular spots. Its caterpillar mainly feeds on leaves of plants in the family Convolvulacae, from which it got its name Convolvulus Hawk-moth. Its pupa has a jug handle like proboscis sheath, which distinguish it from other hawk moths pupae.

Convolvulus Hawk-moth-Agrius convolvuli
Agrius convolvuli
Agrius convolvuli
Agrius convolvuli

Agrius convolvuli Pupa
Agrius convolvuli Pupa


  1. Birdy, your photos are amazing! Although I've seen this moth here, I have never come across the pupa. It's fascinating to see such a picture.

  2. Thanks Kanak for the comment and appreciation. Our flora and fauna are almost similar.


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