
Education Standard In Pakistan

Though this is not a good capture, but it tells us a lot about the education standard in Pakistan. In the picture you see three teachers of Government High School Saleem Khan Swabi, enjoying watching live cricket match from class rooms windows. There is no proper check and balance system in any department. Just join a political party and they will support you.

Education Standard In Pakistan


  1. God knows what will be happen with our country.

  2. Salam Aqsa!
    Thanks for your comment and concern. Unfortunately we are going backward day by day. There is no sign of hope. According to Transparency International recent report our province (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) is on the top in corruption.

  3. I think the standard of education EVERYWHERE has gone downhill Birdy. Here we have the same lack of respect and lack of work ethics so in the end, it is the students which suffer.

    I answered your question on the moth but see I made a typing error it should be "tri-colored".

  4. Hey dear! I am a female MBA from Karachi, Pakistan. Love ur blog outlook and ur awesome photo write-ups. Best of Luck for ur blogging. I hope we can be mutual followers- if u like my blog?? And don’t forget to comment please !!

  5. Thanks Joan for answering my question and sharing your view about the current education standard. Actually in Pakistan teacher appointment, promotion and even transfer are done on political bases, rather than merit and this is the root cause of low education standard in Pakistan.

  6. Thanks Catgirl for the visit and comment on my blog. You have a very informative blog that's worth to be follow.


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