
Physalis minima

Physalis minima (Sunberry, Bladder Cherry, Wild Cape Gooseberry) , is an annual wild medicinal herb, having edible sweet and pleasant acid flavor fruit rich in vitamin C.

Physalis minima
Physalis minima
Physalis minima
Physalis minima


  1. For years I thought that I was the only one that enjoyed photographing flowers. But, I found a few other photo enthusiasts also enjoy doing so. I enjoy taking the photos. But, I don't know one flower from the next. So describing them isn't what I can do, yet. Seeing the many shots that you share on this blog is inspiring to me. Good work.

  2. Thanks Kalem for your visit and encouraging comment. Being an amateur photographer, I'm learning from people like you.

  3. These are great low-key shots of flowers very nice tones well done!


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