
Drone Fly

Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax) is a common, medium-sized fly in the family Syrphidae (Hoverfly), in the order Diptera. It's common name "Drone Fly" came from the fact that it mimic drone honey bee. It feeds on nectar and is an important pollinator for a number of plants, particularly those having cluster flowers such as carrot, coriander and fennel. Its aquatic larva, known as rat-tailed maggot, breathe through a long, snorkel-like appendage. It lives in stagnant water, such as drainage ditches and sewage and feeds on decaying organic material.

Drone Fly
Drone Fly
Drone Fly
Drone Fly
Drone Fly


  1. Interesting...never heard about Drone seems like the fly have head phones.
    Thanks for the share.

    1. Thanks you too dear for your visit and feedback. It's highly valued.


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