
Livingstone Daisy

Livingstone daisy (Dorotheanthus bellidiformis) is a species of flowering plant in the family Aizoaceae (fig-marigold family or ice plant family), subfamily Ruschioideae. It is a low-growing succulent annual, grows up to 25 cm high and spreads 10 cm. It have flat leaves that spread slightly as the plants grow older. The leaves are small, green in color and covered with shiny dots.. It's cultivated for its iridescent, many-petaled, daisy-like blooms in shades of white, orange, red, cream, pink, yellow, purple and crimson.

Livingstone Daisy
Livingstone daisy
Livingstone daisy
Livingstone daisy
Livingstone daisy
Livingstone daisy
Livingstone daisy
Livingstone daisy


  1. Loved, loved, loved!!!! Thank you very much!!!


  2. Lovely Daisies... I like Daisy flowers too much. In Nathiagali, they are in abundance and the local kidz weave them in a crown shape and sell. I will share its picture.

  3. @Teca, Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated.

    @Kiran, Thanks you so much for the liking my pictures and sharing your observation. Would love to see your pictures.


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