
Wild Snake Gourd

Wild Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes lobat), also known as bitter snake gourd is a slender annual monoecious climber in the family Cucurbitaceae. It grows wildly in the hilly area of KPK, Pakistan. The unripe green fruits are cooked as a vegetable.

Wild Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes lobat)
Wild Snake Gourd Flower
Wild Snake Gourd Flower
Wild Snake Gourd
Wild Snake Gourd
Wild Snake Gourd


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am impressed with your blog photographs. I wonder why i never observed the above plants in KPK, as i myself living here.
    Your blog looks like a beautiful botanical garden, very informative. I love nature so am going to become your new blog follower.

  2. Thanks Kiran for your visit, comment and following my blog. Wild Snake Gourd is very common in hilly areas of Swabi and Buner and may be in Mardan, but you have to visit hilly areas to find them out.

  3. where are these found in KPK Pakistan?

  4. Shot these images in district Buner, where this plant was very common.


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