
Water Striders

Water Strider is a common name used for bugs in the family Gerridae, order Hemiptera. They are true bugs that live on ponds, lakes and slow-running streams and can run across the water surface. Water striders can vary in length from 1.6 mm to 36 mm. Their body shape range from slender to almost round. Like other insects, they have six jointed legs, a three part body (head, thorax, and abdomen), and two antennae. Their legs are covered with microsetae, microscopic hairs that trap tiny bubbles of air, allowing them to float on top of the water. The front legs of water striders are short, used to catch prey. The long, middle legs move it across the surface of the water. The rear legs are used for steering. Some species have wings, while others are wingless. They feed on live and dead insects and other aquatic organisms. Water striders are known by a number of common names including water bugs, magic bugs, pond skaters,  water scooters, water skaters, water skeeters, water skimmers, water spiders, water skippers and Jesus bugs.

Water Striders (Trepobates pictus)
Water Striders
Water Striders
Water Striders


  1. This is nice blog , thanks for sharing this water photography . i really like your post ..

  2. I like the close-up shot. So cool.


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