
Punarnava-Boerhavia diffusa

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), also know as spreading hogweed, pigweed, tar vine,Wineflower or red spiderling, is a species of flowering plant in the family Nyctaginaceae (four o'clock family). The word Punarnava meaning that which rejuvenates or renews the body. The leaves of Punarnava are often used as a green vegetable. It is used in herbal medicine for liver disorders including jaundice and hepatitis. It is believed to improve and protect eyesight. It has diuretic properties and is used by diabetics to lower blood sugar. Boerhavia diffusa is widely used for the treatment of jaundice in the animals and is proved very effective.

Punarnava-Boerhavia diffusa


  1. I wish you have included the plant itself or the leaves too. But the flowers are nice!

  2. Loved!!! Super delicate...

    Have a nice weekend, honey!
    Warm hug from Brasil.


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