
Red Spider Mite

Red spider mite is one of many species of plant-feeding mites belong to family Tetranychidae (spider mites). The spider mites are arachnids, related to spiders. Red spider mite is tiny, crawling, wingless pest that suck the plant's sap from leaf surfaces, causing a heavy damage to plant. They start life with six legs, but develop eight as they grow mature.

Red Spider Mite


  1. i have a love-hate relationship with spider photos. i hate the sight of spiders (and i freak out when i see them in person), but they're cool to look at, at the same time, when people share/take awesome photos.

  2. postingan yang bagus tentang red-spider-mite

  3. Thanks Dear for sharing your experience about Spider. Most people like you hate spiders.
    By the way I would appreciate, if you make your profile public.

  4. Just letting you know that while your information about spider mites (Tetranychidae) is correct, the mite in your photo represents a different family (Erythraeidae). Nymphal and adult erythraeids are predators that generally eat insect eggs, but will also consume easy live prey (like spider mites) occasionally. The larvae however, are parasites on other arthropods. Anyway, nice photos!


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