
Spotted-winged Orange Braconid Wasp

Spoted-winged Orange Braconid Wasp (Disophrys sp.) is a parasitic wasp in the family Braconidae. It has a body length of about 15mm. This wasp is orange in color with black antenna and eyes. Its wings are in orange and black with an orange spot in the black area. The female has a black colored ovipositor, which is used to deposit its eggs inside the insects larvae.

Spoted-winged Orange Braconid Wasp - Disophrys sp.


  1. I've never seen this insect before. Very cool!
    I tagged you in a post btw :)

  2. I've never seen this insect before. Very cool!
    And you photographet it very very good!

  3. Thanks Sujana for your visit and comment.


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