
Funny Donkey

This is my first shot of 2012, I took this morning with my cell phone camera. Before happening this tragic event, my friend asked the donkey cart driver not to over load the cart,  but he didn't give us any attention and continued placing heavy bags in the cart. The result is in front of you. The donkey remain in the air for a while but before taking the shot, his rear legs reached the ground.
animal abuse picture
Funny Donkey
Here is the 2nd shot of the tragedy.
animal abuse
Funny Donkey


  1. Jeez, what a sad story!
    That happens often in Africa too.
    What a start for 2012...
    I wish you nonetheless a happy new year and many more photo opportunities!

  2. Well they are stubborn.....nice capture.

  3. "Funny" is the cart driver who didn't care about the safety of an animal which helps him to make a living.

  4. people never stop animal abuse i don't know why they overload it......????

  5. wow that's horrible, poor donkey should give them a nice kick to the face!

  6. Very nice Work

    Cheers from Portugal

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    Thank you :)


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