
Damselflies Mating

Damselflies Mating
Damselflies Mating Picture
Damselflies Mating Picture
Damselflies Mating Picture
Damselflies Mating Picture
Damselflies Mating Picture


  1. good grief!
    The colours of the pair in wheel, on the 1rst pic, are amazing!
    I have never seen those damsels in France!!
    I wonder where you took them?!!

    The others are quite familiar!
    Jolly well done, a great series!

  2. Wow, perfect timing! :) I didn't know they mate this way. Excellent photos.

  3. Thanks Noushka for the feedback. The first picture you mentioned is of coromandel marsh dart damselfly, a very common species here in Pakistan.

    Thanks Reggie for the visit and comment.

    Thanks Megan for your comment and appreciation.


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