
Velvet-spotted Blue Butterfly

The Velvet-spotted Blue (Azanus ubaldus) is a small butterfly belongs to the family Lycaenids (Blues family) found in Asia and Africa. It's also know as Bright Babul Blue or Desert Babul Blue.

Velvet-spotted Blue Butterfly
Velvet-spotted Blue Mating Pair


  1. Excellent butterfly images with stunning detail.

  2. Wonderful !

    The artistry on the wings of butterflies has always amazed me.

    I hope the viewers of these photos would find some useful detail here as well, inshaAllah.

    Best Wishes

  3. great shots on the butterfly! i love the second picture the most, very beautiful !

  4. I do like the 2nd butterfly capture. I have gotten lucky a few times to capture butterflies but like my other capture pursuit, chipmunks, they are gone in a blink of an eye.


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