
28-spotted Potato Ladybird

The 28-spotted Potato Ladybird (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata or Epilachna vigintioctopunctata) is a pest species of beetle in the family Coccinellidae. It has orange body with 26 black spots on the back (13 on each wing) and two on thorax. It feeds on the foliage of potatoes and other crops in the nightshade family and cucurbit or squash family. In our area they mostly feed and hatch on blackberry nightshade and Ashwagandha plants. These days they are enjoying feeding and hatching on my Ashwagandha plants.

28-spotted Potato Ladybird
28-spotted Potato Ladybird
28-spotted Potato Ladybird Eggs
28-spotted Potato Ladybird Larva
28-spotted Potato Ladybird Larvae


  1. Excellent info and photographs! I have seen these beetles in India too, and now I know their name. Thanks birdy!

  2. These photos are amazing, very original !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lovely.... as always. :)

    Keep on sharing friend :)


  4. This photos very amazing and looking for very natural. Thanks for sharing.

  5. How odd, the Larvae are beautiful. That is a bit unexpected.

  6. Thanks you all for your regular feedback and appreciation.


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