
Water Lettuce-Pistia stratiotes

Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) is a single species of aquatic plant in the genus Pistia, family Araceae. It’s also called water cabbage or Nile cabbage. Because of its beauty, water lettuce is a favorite plant of the water garden lovers. This invasive species was introduced in our area a few years ago and now almost all lacks and ponds are covered with it. Though water lettuce mat presents a very beautiful view, but the fact is that, it's an unwanted plant for many reasons. Water lettuce mats makes boating and fishing almost impossible. It degrades the water quality. It has negative impact on biological diversity.

Water Lettuce - Pistia stratiotes
Water Lettuce
Water Lettuce
Water Lettuce
Water Lettuce
Water Lettuce


  1. This photos very amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  2. nice shot. it's known as apu-apu or kayu apu in my place. i have some of these plants in the yard, they live on the land. i dropped it couple moths ago, I thought they would die, but the rain which often fall make them survive until today.

  3. It's beautiful indeed! too bad that it's such an invasive variety!


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