
Long-tailed Blue Butterfly

Long-tailed Blue or Pea Blue (Lampides boeticus) is a small sized butterfly in the family Lycaenidae found in Pakistan. It has a wing span of about 23 to 42 mm. This is a rare species in the plain area of KPK and I observed only two butterflies this autumn for the first time.

Pea Blue Butterfly (Lampides boeticus)
Pea Blue Butterfly
Pea Blue Butterfly


  1. A beautiful butterfly! It is more commonly known as Pea Blue than Long-tailed Blue in India. It's surprising to know it is uncommon up north, because it is very very common (as much as 10-20) are seen near their food plants!) as you go south on the subcontinent. But then, you do have butterflies up there that are not seen down here. :)

  2. That butterfly looks really beautiful. I enjoyed your post

  3. Very beautiful butterfly.keep it up.try to make the pic more clear,i think a better camera will do the job for you.anyways keep it up

  4. Birdy, i thought i've taken a photo like that here, but when i saw your other thumbnails below they look the same, and they all have bluish hue at the back. Now i'm confused which among those 3 is my specimen. hehe.

  5. Just seen one in Camp Dwyer in Afghanistan. Basking in the sun. Made my day! A wonderful website. Thank you.

  6. Thanks you too Nick for your visit and appreciation.


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