
Blue Mist Flower

Blue Mist Flower (Conoclinium coelestinum) is a perennial wild flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, subfamily Asteroideae. It grow wildly in empty fields, particularly in wetlands. The flower colors range from blue to purple. The fields cover with mist flowers present a very beautiful view, particularly in early winter, when most plants die.

Blue Mist Flowers
Blue Mist Flower
Blue Mist Flower
Blue Mist Flower


  1. Yes it is nice, but it looks like one of the very invasive weed here, which is very difficult to eradicate.

  2. How retty it is Birdy. I am sure we have it here too.

  3. Flower is beautiful part of environment. Every one likes their sweets smell.
    The knowledge about flowers is very well that will given in this website.


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