
Long-Legged Fly

Today I'm presenting a few images of an unknown species of Long-Legged Fly found in our area. They can be easily find out on the upper surface of leaves, enjoying sunlight. The Long-Legged Flies or Dolichopodidae is a family of true flies in order, Diptera, consistes of more than 7,000 species. They are tiny flies with long legs and big eyes, having metallic green, blue or copper color bodies. These flies are predatory on smaller insects.

Long-Legged Fly
Long-Legged Fly


  1. A very nice Dolichopodidae
    It's could be Dolichopus nitidus

    I photo one like this a few years ago in China

  2. Très belle diptere,
    je souhaite modestement tenter une identification:
    N'est-ce pas : Rhagio tringarius (Linné, 1758)?
    A bientôt sur le Web !

  3. This is a beauty Birdy, that is, if the term can be applied to a fly. You captured it very well. We have a couple of them here as I see them in the book I have by I have not yet come across one.

  4. Thanks Amir for the comment and identification help. Your pictures are great and both the species are almost similar.

    Thanks Monique et Daniel! Your comment and identification help is highly appreciated. I googled about "Rhagio tringarius", and found that the species you mentioned is different from one I post here.

    Thanks Joan for the comment and appreciation. Hopefully this summer will bring you a lot of capturing opportunities, including long-legged flies.


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