
Picasa Web Albums Login Problem

Last night I had a very shocking experience with Picasa Web Albums, It’s of great concern not only for me, but for all those who use Picasa Web Albums as their media storage. From my google account I clicked the Picasa Web Albums link to access my account, but I was directed to imran ( username) account. ( Other clicks also directed me to the same account. I was shocked to find out that, I’m not able to get access to my account. From google account, I visited my gmail and blogger accounts and they were working properly. In the state of helplessness, I visited different galleries of Imran pictures. I was not only able to see, edit or delete his protected pictures, but to delete his entire account. Finally I decide to make a post on my blog about this mishappening. I started downloading his protected pictures for the proof, but as soon as I downloaded three pictures I lost access to his account and was directed to my own account. As my blog images are hosted by Picasa Web Albums, a question raised in my mind, what if some one get access to my account and delete my images or whole account?

The first three images are from protected gallery, while the last two images are from public gallery.

 Imran (Left) with friend in Traditional Dress
Picasa Web Albums Login Problem
Picasa Web Albums Login Problem
Imran Ex-student of Economic department, Quaid-e-Azam Universty
Picasa Web Albums Login Problem
Football Players receiving Instruction ( Eco vs MBA Department)
Picture of Football teams of Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad
Kuh-e-Hindu Kush (Hindu Kush Mountain)
Kuh-e-Hindu Kush-Hindu Kush Mountain picture

If the owner of these Images have any objection on publishing these Images, please contect me via comment section and I will remove the images.


  1. This has been happening with PTCL users. Read another article on PTCL Random login here.

  2. Hi we have also problems connecting to our picasa web albums. This happened about a week ago!

  3. Thanks Jaywalker and Mariet for your comments and sharing your information about Picasa Web. Yesterday I received a message from Rose Bane, a Picasa Web team member, saying that they have resolve this issue. Hopefully we will not face this issue again.

  4. had not visited the blog friends .. try to communicate again with a visit to your blog ...

  5. I too have a Picasa account, but generally I use Photobucket for storage of my photos. I've never had privacy issues using Photobucket. Thank you for the warning about the Picasa issues. Thank you also for the visits to my blog. I so enjoy your blog and the beautiful photographs you share.


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