
Painted Grasshopper-Poekilocerus pictus

Painted Grasshopper (Poekilocerus pictus), also known as AK Grasshopper, is a multicolored species of grasshoppers. It feeds on Calotrope (Calotropis procera), a plant in the subfamily Asclepiadaceae, family Apocynaceae. I saw this grasshopper for the first time in our area. According to a brief search on the net, I found that it's a Painted Grasshopper (Poekilocerus pictus).

Painted Grasshopper
Painted Grasshopper
Painted Grasshopper
Painted Grasshopper Nymph
Painted Grasshopper
Painted Grasshopper
Painted Grasshopper
Painted Grasshopper


  1. Birdy that is the most fascinating grasshopper I have ever seen in my life, and your portrayal of it is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it. ( In response to your comment of my hummingbird, if you place a feeder beside of your hibiscus plant you'll be able to capture photographs of your hummingbirds as well. )

  2. every time i visit your blog you are ready with a series of WOW!!!

    these shots are simply great... :)

  3. Wow what a colourful grasshopper. Great pictures of a hungry hopper!

  4. Thanks Macry for your comment ans tip. Hoping it will work for me.

  5. Thanks Sharodindu for the compliment. Your visit and comment is highly valued.

    Thanks Zane for your positive feedback.

  6. Hi Birdy, thank you very much for sharing I never seen colored grasshopper, its amazing, very nice photo collection of insects...

  7. what a grasshopper!!! very nice pistures too. i never seen that kind of grasshopper before.


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