
White Rain Lily-Zephyranthes Candida

White Rain Lily (Zephyranthes candida) is a species of rain lily, belong to family Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis Family). It's leaves are a deep glossy green and measure 3 mm wide. Flowers are erect in perianth white or sometimes pinkish abaxially. The leaf-like bract is 1.8 to 4 cm. They grow best in full sun to part shade and require a medium wet soil. Propagation is done by dividing bulbs or offsets and from seed. It's known by a number of names including Fairy lily, Zephyr flower, White zephyr lily, Peruvian swamp-lily, August rain lily and Autumn zephyr lily.

White Rain Lily-Zephyranthes candida
White Rain Lily-Zephyranthes candidaWhite Rain Lily-Zephyranthes candidaWhite Rain Lily-Zephyranthes candida


  1. I obtained a few of these from a friend
    this last fall and they are potted up indoors
    as our winters are too harsh for it,but it is growing nicely! i cant wait for it to bloom!

  2. oh those are lots of names for this lily. I think it is a very small flower, maybe the pink one is of the same species. I have it but dont know the name.

  3. Good shot!! excellent blog!!



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