
Southern Green Stink Bug

Southern Green Stink Bug (Nezara viridula) is a shield shaped bug, belong to family Pentatomidae in the Order Hemiptera, suborder Heteroptera (True Bugs). Adult have an average body length of about 12-13mm. They are considered as pest which damage different crops include cotton, tomato, pecans, pepper, beans and soybeans etc. Their nymphs have very striking colors, as shown in the last picture.

Southern Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug
Southern Green Stink Bug Nymph


  1. The 1st one is rrealy cute... :)
    tell me one thing do u match the bugs to confirm the there any book with pics?

    please share the trick

  2. I love your macro photography of bugs! Really great!!!!

  3. Great macros of a pest that lives just about everywhere it seems.


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