
Ploughing Painting

I took this oxen ploughing painting picture at Lahore museum. I liked this painting because it shows a part of our culture, which is now almost out of practice. I'm not sure whether it is an historical painting or just a painting shows an old method of farming, where our farmers used to plough with the help of oxen. When I was a kid we had two pair of oxen and I saw my father ploughing all the day. But now you will hardly see any farmer in the village keeping oxen.

Ploughing with Oxen Painting


  1. Hi friend a want to ask a question that how much time it take to index my site by google search engine.

  2. yeah, same thing in my place. when i was young, there were many oxens for ploughing... all have disappeared now.

  3. Hello Birdy. This looks all too familiar as we used to plough in the same way.

  4. Hi friends!
    Thanks you all for the comments. Of course oxen were the main source of power for agriculture before the invention of machinery all over the world, particularly for ploughing, running Persian wheel and carrying agricultural products etc.

  5. nice painting! yes agriculture is our soulful life style every where. I love to spent time on fields whenever i need loneliness. It gives me joy all the time.

  6. That's a great painting indeed, I like it. I didn't liked your snake post because I don't like snakes at all....LOL... :)

    We stopped traveling one week ago and are settled down now in Melbourne FL. I will have time again to visit your blog more often and on a regular base :)


  7. Excellent painting, thanks for sharing. Anna :)


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