
Dove Nest

I found this Eurasian collared dove nest in a mulberry tree, about eight feet from the ground. Doves build relatively flimsy nests from small sticks. They generally don't use soft grass and leaves in their nest like other birds. Almost all doves lay two white eggs. The eggs takes about two weeks to hatch. Both male and female care for the young, which leave the nest from 2 to 3 weeks.

Dove Nest Pictures
Dove Nest/Eggs Picture


  1. What a great find. I get so excited when I stumble upon a nest. We have a few Eurasian Collared Doves in our area. Mourning Doves are much more common though.

  2. geez, that's a great shot. doves, huh? cool.

  3. Birdy find nest and eggs easily than others! so cute and inspiring!

  4. Hi. You have some excellent collection. I want to use your nest photo in my blog. Need your permission.

  5. Thanks you all for your visit and feedback. It's much appreciated.

    Thanks Shishir for the comment. Though my images are free for personal and educational use, but I don't like/allow people to publish my images on their blogs and sites. However visited you blog and found it very interesting. Therefore I allow you to use my picture, but you must clearly mention which picture do you want to use. Moreover a link back to my blog will be highly appreciated.


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