
Assassin Bugs

Assassin Bugs belong to family Reduviidae. They hunt smaller insects and use their long proboscis to suck the prey juices. Assassin bugs also use proboscis to bite humans, if disturbed. They have very painful bites. Here are some pictures of assassin bugs enjoying sucking their prey juice.

Assassin Bugs
Assassin Bug Picture

Assassin Bug Picture
Assassin Bug Picture
Assassin Bug Picture

Assassin Bug Nymph With Prey
Assassin Bug Nymph With Prey

Assassin Bug Nymphs
Assassin Bug Nymph
Assassin Bug Nymph
Assassin Bug Nymph


  1. Poor ladybug!
    Your photos are just fantastic! Well done macro, indeed!

  2. Cool, I like all kinds of assassins.

  3. impressive pics. that's either patience, pure luck, or a lot of both.

  4. a very beautiful series...the details and colours are perfect !

  5. A most colorful assassin bug and great macros of it.

  6. Very fascinating photos. Thanks for stopping by :D

  7. Lively! Why are they called so? Colorful and lively photographs :) I guess similar species have bitten me!

  8. Dear all, thank you very much for your visit and comments.

    Rocksea, I think the pictures reveal why they are called assassin bugs. Anyhow they are called assassin bugs, because of their habit, in which they use their proboscis (beak) to injecting enzymes in their prey bodies to paralyze them and then suck up the inside fluid of the prey. In simple words they are called assassin bugs, because they are killer insects that eat other bugs.

  9. I didnt know this is called assasin bugs, havent seen them also killing those ladybugs. During our childhood we normally see this, are these the ones which normally walk while mating. We find them always with their backs with another which did not hamper their movements. Several of them in pairs like this, and we call them 'baka-bakahan'.


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