
Moss Rose

Moss Roses or Rose Moss (Portulaca grandiflora) is the type genus of the purslane family Portulacaceae, found in the tropics and warm temperate regions. It is an annual plant and cultivated as ornamental plant. It is also known as sun plant or portulaca.

Moss Roses Flower Pictures

Yellow moss rose
Yellow moss rose pictureMoss Roses flower picturesWhite moss roseWhite moss rose pictureWhite moss rose pictureOrange moss rose
Orang moss rose picture
Red moss rose
Red moss rose picture
Moss rose plant and flowers
Moss rose plant and flowers


  1. Beautiful series of photos.

  2. These are really beautiful shots. This is one of my favorite plants. My mother always had it in her flower garden when I was a kid. Before I got so lazy that I don't do much yard work I planted them every year.

  3. Thanks Christina for for the comment and appreciation.

    Thanks Tricia for the comment. I was also very interested in gardening, but now due to some other activities and laziness, I stopped gardening.

  4. birdy these are beautiful photos, and thanks for sharing all this useful information. Anna :)

  5. Thanks you too Anna for your visit and leaving some encouraging words on my blog.


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