
Narcissus tazetta Flower

Narcissus tazetta is a perennial ornamental plant in the family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae, that grows from the bulb. The flower has six white-colored petals and a deep yellow-colored cup-shaped coronas. Common names of  Narcissus tazetta includes Daffodil, Chinese Sacred Lily, Bunch-flowered Narcissus and Joss flower.

Pictures of Narcissus tazetta Flower
Narcissus tazetta
Narcissus tazetta
Narcissus tazetta
Narcissus tazetta
Narcissus tazetta
Narcissus tazetta


  1. Nice shots. My mother liked these flowers a lot. She always had some in her garden. (Of course there weren't many flowers she didn't have in her garden.) :)

  2. Thanks Tricia for sharing your nice words on my blog.I not only like the narcissus flowers, but also their fragrance.

  3. I actually wanted some information about the flowers so your photography uoset me:(


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