
Acacia Flowers

Here are some pictures of Acacia Flowers most probably Prickly Acacia (Acacia nilotica). The prickly acacia is highly valued in traditional medicine in India and Pakistan. Almost all parts of the tree are used for medicinal purpose.

Acacia Flowers Pictures
Acacia Flowers
Acacia Flowers
Acacia Flower
Acacia Flower
Acacia Flower


  1. I love these trees. I used to have one with pink flowers in my yard in Florida. The sad thing is I'm allergic to them and get horrible headaches when I'm around them. :(

    Very nice shots.

  2. Hi Tricia!
    I'm also allergic from a number of flowers fragrances, particularly that smell like Jasmine. Thanks for liking the shots.

  3. Hello Birdy

    Thank you for becoming a follower of PICTURES JUST PICTURES. It is very encouraging! I've been looking through a lot of your lovely photos here. Do you live in the Punjab? Lucy

  4. Thanks Lucy for your visit and comment. It's my pleasure, that you liked my pictures. No, I'm not living in Punjab.


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