
Green Lynx Spider

Here are some pictures of Green lynx spider (probably a female green lynx spider) scientific name: Peucetia viridans. The Lynx spiders live in the shrubs and make no web to catch their prey. They are named lynx spider because they run very fast and jump on prey like a cat. Their legs have spikes and six of their eight eyes are in a hexagon form. They generally eat bees and that is why they are found on the plants that attract bees.

Green Lynx Spider
Green Lynx Spider
Green Lynx Spider
Green Lynx Spider
Green Lynx Spider


  1. Great job with the Macro Photography. There's great detail and lots to see with your photos.

  2. Hi Bernie!
    Thanks for liking my macro pictures. This is basically a photography blog where I share my pictures, but I also try to give some basic information about the object in the pictures.


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