
Oleander Hawk Moth

The oleander hawk moth or Oleander Sphinx Moth (Daphnis nerii) is a species of moth in the family Sphingidae (Hawk-Moth or Sphinx Moth). It's considered one of the most beautiful patterned moths.  It's a wing span of about 90--110mm. It's found in South Europe, in the Tropics and Subtropics of Africa and Asia but also in East Europe and in the North of the Alps as a guest. The adult feed on the nectar of a variety of flowers.The caterpillars feed on oleander (Nerium oleander) leaves and other plants in the family Apocynaceae.

Oleander Hawk Moth
Oleander Hawk Moth Picture
Oleander Hawk Moth Picture
Oleander Hawk Moth Picture
Oleander Hawk Moth Picture


  1. Wow this is amazing bug, and photo captures to follow. Anna :)

  2. those pictures changed my mind about moths, the camouflage on that moth is unreal

  3. Thanks Anna and Evan for your visit and comments.

  4. Hello!
    Your photography is wonderful! I am a fashion designer and I was wondering if you could send me picture of the oleander hawk moth. I am using the moth wing pattern in my up coming collection. Your help would be wonderful! My email is

    -Kristin Eissler

  5. Thanks Kristin Eissler for the visit and appreciation. I will check my collection and will send you the pictures in maximum available size as soon as possible.


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