
Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant in the family Zygophyllaceae. It's an unwanted wild weed that have medicinal properties and is used in ayurvedic medicines. It's known by a number of common names including puncture vine, goat head weed, caltrop, bullhead, cat's head, devil's thorn, gokshura, gokharu and Maltese cross.

Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris Fruit
Tribulus terrestris


  1. This is beautiful! Just a question..when you take pictures outdoors in daylight, do you still like to use flash or not?

  2. Thanks Sujana for your visit and comment. It depends on the object. In most cases, I do like to use flash.


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